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Request for Deputation / Presentation / Petition

By-Law #2016-135

The Corporation of the Township of North Kawarth Procedural By-Law

Appendix "C" to By-Law 2016-135


I am requesting to speak:

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

  • Requests must be delivered / emailed to the Deputy Clerk no later than 16:30 h 4:30 p.m. five (5) business days prior to the meeting along with any presentation material.
  • Those desiring to speak on matters of fact on a specific item listed on the Agenda shall be permitted to give notice to the Deputy Clerk no later than 13:00 h (1:00 p.m.) on the day prior to the meeting.
  • Persons wishing to appear as a deputation not listed on the agenda may appear with consensus of the Members present.
  • Deputations shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes speaking time, and where a Deputation consists of more than one person, all persons combined shall be limited to two (2) speakers and a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes speaking time.
  • A Deputation may be refused when the subject matter is a matter of litigation or is beyond the jurisdiction of the Township of North Kawartha.
  • Recorded Meetings

    The Township of North Kawartha values accessible and transparent local government and strives to use all available methods to communicate with our citizens and visitors to the Township. Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube to access current information.

    Public meetings held in the Council Chambers are audio and video recorded and made available on the Township Youtube channel conditional upon any technical difficulties that may be encountered. Meeting minutes remain the official, permanent record of all meetings.    

    Transcripts of the meetings are not available.  Audio / video files on the internet are part of the public realm and may be subject to alteration.  The Township assumes no liability associated with any alterations made by members of the public on the internet.

Kelly Picken, Deputy Clerk: or (705) 656-5189

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Personal Information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and will become part of the public record and may be made available for public viewing or distribution. 

Accessibility: If you have accessibility needs or require alternate formats or other accommodations, Contact the Clerk at or (705) 656-4445 (ext. 234) or 1-800-755-6931 or Direct Line (705) 656-5187

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