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The Township of North Kawartha Lifetime Dog Licence

This licence is issued to the owner hierin described, subject to the provisions of any provincial legislation and/or the by-laws of the municipality and will continue in force (uncless sooner revoked).  Dog licences are lifetime licences.  The licence is non-transferrable.  

Dog Information 
*Please note the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care requires that all dogs be vaccinated against rabies.

Licence Fee

$40.00 lifetime dog licence
Upon making application for a dog licence and making payment for the licence, the owner shall be furnished with a numbered tag issued by the Municipality.  The tage must be securely affixed to the dog at all times.

Personal information on this form is collected under th authority of the Municipal Act of Ontario and the Pounds Act and will be used to maintain a public record of licences issued to the owners of dogs.  Question about this collection should be directed to the Clerk, Township of North Kawartha, P.O. Box 550, 280 Burleigh Street, Apsley, ON K0L 1A0

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